Vest Kazak pro-7 (C / H-02)
- Brand: SPLAV
- Product Code: 16672-04
- Availability: In Stock
- Protection class according to GOST R 50744-95 - 2 li>
- Weight - 2.7 kg li>
- The area of ??protection - 31 dm2 li>
ul> p>Бронежилет "Cossack 7 pro» b> - This vest 2nd class armor according to GOST R 50744-95 and Sp2 class standard, taking into account changes in 2014. This means that the body armor protects against bullets gun Serdyukov, Tokarev, PSM. The vest is designed to be worn under clothing (concealed carry). P>
This vest is the first product in the world 2nd class armor that does not contain a part of the protective composition harsh elements. p>
The protective composition of the product contains a package of plastic semi-finished fiber produced by FMS Enterprises (Israel), a powerful antitravmaticheskuyu gasket material production worldwide concern Twaron Teijin and reliable damping layer. Such a composition can dramatically reduce the effects of traumatic lesions bullet.
Recall that according to GOST R vest conditionally considered, if the media is not injured above moderate. p>
The results of tests in / h 33491 (main testing center of the Defense Ministry) have shown that the support of our body armor, gets only an easy trauma and completely restores their fighting capacity after losing a bullet for 1-2 minutes.
The area of ??protection for this product is 31, it covers the entire projection of the vital organs.
The vest also protects from splinters at speeds up to 1000 m / s and a cold steel standard sharpening.
The vest "Cossack 7profi" differs comfortable wearing - vents provide air conditioning podzhiletnogo space, the heat and fumes; Product weight is only 2.7 kg, ie vest on the body is almost not felt; This vest is conveniently move comfortably sit, including automobile. The vest can be easily removed and worn, has adjusted the size of the torso of the user.
The use of imported protective materials for high reliability products. p>
All funds armor are made to order for 2 calendar weeks.
Make a reservation and to discuss the terms you can ask at the nearest shop or office of the Company. B>